If you have ever driven through South Dakota, then you will know that you can't pass through without stopping at Wall Drug in Wall, SD. It is a must! I mean, any place that goes to such great lengths to promote themselves must be worth the stop right? And advertise they do! Here are just a few of the signs one encounters along I-90 for hundreds of miles to the east and the west of Wall. The signs were so cute, I had to snag a few pictures of them. And even though I snapped these on the fly and they didn't really turn out very well, I just had to share them with you..
After hours of seeing the signs, which increased in number the closer we got, we finally arrived, and were by no means disappointed. It really was a cute place and definitely worth the stop (and break from the long ride!) Here is the storefront, which really does not show how big the place is as it takes up an entire city block (or more).

This picture is just inside the main entrance; there were several entrances though.

In the center of all of the stores is a courtyard with all kinds of funny what-nots (for lack of a better word). Here are the kids on the jackelope...

There were all kinds of cute shops and restaurants and such inside. The store fronts were really cute.
In the center of all of the stores is a courtyard with all kinds of funny what-nots (for lack of a better word). Here are the kids on the jackelope...
This next trio of pictures cracks me up! The boys all wanted to ride on this merry-go-round, they wanted to, that is, until the camera came out! Ha ha! Owen was not phased and smiled for the camera. Cole, in the next shot, is giving me a warning that I had better not be taking a picture of him! And in each of the shots you can see that Garrett is showing how he was 'forced' to get on this stupid contraption and was certainly NOT enjoying it...AT ALL.
Here is Liv making friends with a buffalo..
This dinosaur was fun, but nothing compared to the awesome dinosaurs we were going to see at the Creation Museum.
The piano playing, singing gorilla was really cute..
Dad was also enjoying making new friends...

So how about it?

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