Here is a list of the topics included:
1. The Importance of Defending the Faith
2. Evidence for the Existence of God
3. All Roads Do Not Lead to God
4. Amazing Evidence for the Trustworthiness of the Bible
5. An Examination of Apparent Contradictions in the Bible
6. If God is Loving, Why is there Evil and Suffering?
7. Hell Under Fire
8. My Top Five Questions (renamed “How to Respond to Critics”)
9. The Case for the Resurrection
10. The Lost Tomb of Jesus
11. Six Cures for the Fear of Evangelism
12. Islam
13. Jehovah’s Witnesses
14. Mormonism
15. Roman Catholicism
16. The New Age Movement
17. Judaism
18. Buddhism
19. The Emerging Church and the Battle for Truth
20. The Deity of Christ
21. Answers to Skeptics‘ Top Five Questions
22. The End Times: Ten Upcoming Events in Bible Prophecy
23. The Case for a Pretribulational Rapture
24. The Second Coming, Preterism, and the Book of Revelation
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