A few years back, the Bradleys spoke at our local homeschool conference and boy did they have an impact on my heart! I did several posts (here, here, here, and here) at my old blog sharing what lessons God had for me through the Bradleys. This book is chock full of valuable child-training wisdom, especially for parents of younger children. I have bought many copies of Child Training Tips to give away to friends.
A fantastic read about the value of the Hebraic model of child discipleship. Here is a wonderful review at Amazon for you to read.
I just can't recommend the audio teachings of S.M. Davis enough! Especially this set (pictured above), as well as this fantastic teaching that had my daughter (our oldest child) in tears when she listened to it!
Now this particular book may not seem like it has much to do with parenting, but it absolutely does. Just as all sin falls under the umbrella of pride, all issues in life find themselves under the umbrella of government. Getting the Biblical principles of government down is the key to examining all other issues, like parenting, through a Biblical lense. Don't believe me? I challenge you to read this book. This is on my all-time favorite books list!
The title alone is too cute to resist, but the meat inside proves it to be an invaluable parenting resource. The whole idea of 'tomato staking', that is working, living, playing, breathing along side them throughout each day, is something God has taught me over the years. Raising and discipling children is about building realtionships with your children; something that can't be done without spending the majority of your time with them.
Don't want to spend more money on another parenting book? You don't have too, the author, L. Elizabeth Krueger, has posted all of the contents on her website.
I have absolutely loved this ministry since the first day I was introduced to them years ago. Absolutely fantastic resources! And this book is my very favorite! I have used this to plan lessons, to plan activities and projects, to use when disciplining my kids, and so much more. I just recently purchased a second copy because my first one was so worn out. Buy it. You won't be sorry....Oh and I can't continue without also mentioning how much I love their charts too!
I just love the cover of this book! And I love the practical instruction inside even more. We are not seeking for our children to learn to be controlled by us so that they will do what is right, but instead we need to actively be working to gain their heart in why we do what is right. God's Word is the only tool that will successfully do this. Plowman's book is a fantastic guide that shows you how to use God's Word to reach your child's heart in practical everyday situations. Couple this with the previous book, For Instruction in Righteousness, and you are well-equipped to train up your child in the way he should go.
No Ordinary Child: Unlocking the Leader Within Your Child is one of those books you read when you need a pep talk; reading it is like going to a pep rally for parents! The author is very blunt, holding back no punches and it is refreshing! Her words ring true over and over - so many things God has been teaching me over the last several years were reaffirmed as I read this. Fellow parents - we have a great responsibility that is not to be taken lightly. Our children are extraordinary beings created by God for an incredible purpose and we get the privilege of raising them up to be the leaders that they were born to be! Parent on purpose for the glory of God!
Maybe I am a sucker for book covers, I don't know, but I love one as well. The kid's face says it all. This is an excellent book about instilling an honoring and respectful attitude towards all others in your children and in yourself. The authors share lots of personal experiences from their own families, and lots of practical ideas for how to bring honor into different situations we often encounter, such as how to make a respectful request to someone in authority over you, and ways to develop a habit of honor in the home. The back even has a fun family study guide to help introduce the idea of honor to your little ones.
Mandi, thanks for the list of your favorites! I'm gleaning and learning of some resources new to me, and I appreciate you taking the time to post these!
ReplyDeleteYou are so very welcome Jennifer! I hope you enjoy these as much as I have! ( :