I have many passions. I am most passionate about my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He gave me life and continues to supply each and every breath I take. He gave me my children and continues to guide me in how to raise them up for His glory. He supplies my every need in great abundance. He is the creator of the entire universe. I really could go on and on, but most importantly, He paid the ultimate price when he died on the cross for my sin so that I could live with Him in eternity. Every chance I get, I like to talk, blog, share about this passion of mine.
So what else am I passionate about? I am passionate about my children and that is why I am also passionate about homeschooling. Any of you who have read much of my blog will know this about me since I blog about this passion a lot! ( :
I am also passionate about government and more specifically Biblical government. This is also something many of you will know about me if you followed me at my old blog at all.
But I have many more passions that I don't always share on here, for instance, I am passionate about being able to stay home and be the best mother and wife I can possibly be and that is why I am also passionate about cooking and growing yummy, healthy meals for my family and cutting costs out of our budget whenever I can. Over the years I have found many ways to cut costs in our household and thought it would be fun to start sharing some of these with you all. I have also been learning how to cook as much as I can from scratch in hopes of cutting out all of the junk that is in the premade foods in the grocery store and I hope to start sharing the knowledge I have gained in this area as well.
So be watching, my bloggy friends, as I begin blogging about more of my passions in upcoming posts. First up will be about how I am learning to cut out the nitrites, nitrates, MSG and other additives in our meats.
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