I bet you thought that 'going green' was all about helping out the environment right? Not so for
General Electric who makes mega moola off being 'environmental contientous'.
Samuel David Meyer, in his Last Trumpet Newsletter, May 2011 edition, had this to say:
"Green" seems to be everywhere we turn these days. Automakers are trying to sell
us "green" cars, stores are trying to sell us "green" appliances, and
politicians in Washington are pushing for "green" energy. These days it has
become popular to label anything considered environmentally friendly to be
"green." While I am no fan of pollution and I don't mind recycling my used cans,
I also know a gimmick when I see one. The truth is that if you can brainwash the
public into thinking they are helping to save the planet by purchasing your
"green" products, you can earn billions of dollars in profits. Corporations can
also earn tax credits and other special considerations from the government by
adopting environmentally friendly policies. That is one of the reasons why huge
companies such as General Electric can get away without paying income tax.
Instead, General Electric receives a rebate from the government worth 3.2
billion dollars. "
Now I hear that the price of light bulbs is going to skyrocket to the tune of $50 a piece, thanks to good old Uncle Sam. Aren't we all so thankful that he is also doing his part to protect us from inefficient light bulbs and other 'hazards' to the environment? I wonder if our government will benefit monetarily from these $50 lightbulbs at all? Hmmm? I don't know for sure, but I would be willing to bet my bottom dollar (or should I say $50) they do!
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