Thursday, March 31, 2011

Displaying Precious Heirlooms

"The most coveted heirlooms are those that took a skilled hand, untold hours, and lots of love." -Laurel Pulvers
My Great-grandma Jane was a very talented lady, but not just in your ordinary everyday kind of skills like sewing and cooking, though she was very gifted in those as well (she could make a mean berry pie!), she knew how to do unusual crafts like pine-needle basket-weaving, shell art and tatting. After Grandma Jane passed away, my Grandma Sene (her daughter) made sure that all of the grandkids and great-grandkids were given some of her handi-work. I have one of her baskets and have had no problem making use of it and displaying it for all to see her precious work. The intricate and beautiful doilies that I was given, on the other hand, have not been diplayed, but instead tucked away in a storage container. As I was organizing my sewing stuff the other day, I came across them once again. Guilt overwhelmed me as I looked at her beautiful work. They needed to be displayed. I remembered that Grandma Sene had solved the dilemna of how to display them by laying them on black velvet and framing them. I didn't have velvet, but I did have some black felt that might work. And I just happened to have two large, black frames to use as well. I think the results turned out wonderful!

Here is a close-up

And here is the finished product up on the wall!

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